~$ whoami
Tools and programming languages that I use:
- AD: NetExec(CrackMapExec), Responder, PowerView, PowerUp, Mimikatz, Rubeus, PsExec, NtlmRelayx, Mit6, Bloodhound, SecretsDump, Chisel/Ligolo-ng
- BurpSuite, OWASP ZAP, Nessus, SonarQube/Sonar-Scanner, Hashcat/John, SQLmap, Nmap, Netcat, WPscan/joomscan, Dirbuster, fuff, OWASP Amass
- Forensics: Wireshark, Volatility, Immunity Debugger+ mona.py, adb, Ghidra, gdb
- Python, C, MySQL, C++, git, HTML/CSS
- “Cyberchallenge.IT” Finalist / 3° Place in the local competition with RomaTre
- 4° Place “CDP Cyberchallenge 2023”
- 2° Place “ITS 4.0 2023 (DigitalService category)”(Event/Game)
- 5° Place “Let’s Cyber Game” (Event/Game)
- 2° Place “Apulia Cybersecurity Hackathon 2023”
Academics and Certifications:
- Junior Penetration Tester
- Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)
- European Higher Technician Diploma in Cybersecurity
- Technical Institute Diploma - Technological Sector with specialization in Informatics